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Education and Learning

The basic approaches of TEDU's educational philosophy are as follows: 

- The structure of the programmes at TEDU is a curriculum based on a liberal and student-centred approach to education, allowing students to specialise according to their own preferences and adopting an integrative educational philosophy. Seminars, learning communities, interdisciplinary studies, graduation projects, dossiers are encouraged. Research-based approaches in undergraduate education and methods that enable students to recognise research processes and problems and encourage them to learn through research are part of this curriculum. 

- One of the most important goals of TEDU is to transform the courses into active-interactive, problem-based, applied and learning rather than teaching, to enrich the learning environments, and to integrate high-level thinking skills into the courses. In order to reflect this institutional policy in practice, a "Centre for Teaching and Learning" was established to support faculty members and students. All our faculty members are supported to improve themselves, to follow the approaches and practices in their fields, and to adapt new learning methods suitable for their own styles and disciplines to their courses. 

In the light of the above-mentioned main objectives, the undergraduate programme of the Department of Psychology adopts a learner-oriented and interaction-based education method in parallel with TEDU's educational approach. With this method, students take an active role and responsibility in learning through practices such as project and group work, in-class discussions and presentations, guest speakers, on-site observation and research.Our students are not passive but active in the learning process; projects and group work, in-class discussions and presentations, guest speakers, on-site observation and research are provided with applications such as on-site observation and research.