- TPD - Türk Psikologlar Derneği It is the professional organisation of psychologists in Turkey. It was established with the aim of promoting the science and profession of psychology in Turkey, protecting the professional rights of psychologists, solving national psychological problems, promoting and developing the science and profession of psychology in our country and working for the benefit of society.
- EFPA - Avrupa Psikologlar Birliği Federasyonu (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) It is an organisation that brings together 34 National Psychological Societies in Europe under its umbrella and is active to ensure intra-European cooperation for academic education, practice and research in various fields of psychology.
- APA - Amerikan Psikoloji Birliği It is the largest scientific and professional organisation representing the field of psychology in the United States and the world.
- IUPsyS - Uluslararası Psikoloji Bilimi Birliği (International Union of Psychological Science) It is an organisation for the development, representation and advancement of psychology as a basic and applied science at national, regional and international levels.
- Psikoloji Bilimi Birliği (The Association for Psychological Science) The Association for Psychological Science (formerly the American Psychological Association) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the advancement and representation of scientific psychology at the national and international levels.
- EFPSA - Avrupa Psikoloji Öğrencileri Dernekleri Federasyonu (European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations) EFPSA, a multicultural network of European associations of psychology students, was established to represent the needs and interests of psychology students in Europe, to promote scientific co-operation and cultural exchange.
- Türk Psikoloji Öğrencileri Çalışma Grubu (TPÖÇG) It aims to bring together psychology students in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, to organise a number of activities, to develop academic and social projects, and to keep students in contact.
- TÜBİTAK - Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu It is the main organisation that aims to promote, direct and disseminate science and technology in Turkey.
- TPD Etik Yönetmeliği
- It exists to set the standards of the profession and science of psychology and to implement and maintain these standards at the highest level.
- Psikologlar için Etik İlkeler Evrensel Bildirgesi
- The Psychological Society provides a common moral framework that guides psychologists around the world to act with the highest ethical values in their professional and scientific endeavours.
- APA Psikologlar için Etik İlkeler ve Davranış Kuralları
- İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi
- The Declaration of the United Nations, which sets common ideal standards for all peoples and nations in order to ensure the effective recognition and implementation of human rights worldwide.
- EuroPsy (Avrupa Psikoloji Sertifikasyonu)
- It is the European quality standard for psychologists and the professional certification at Master's level for psychologists who meet this standard.
- EuroPsy Uzmanlık sertifikası
- This certificate has been developed to demonstrate the achievement of an advanced (PhD) level of competence and expertise in more specialised areas such as psychotherapy, organisational psychology, educational psychology.
- APA Formatı (The Basics of APA Style®)
- It is the official academic writing format determined by APA. It provides a common format for reporting or publishing scientific studies. It provides standards for quoting, referencing, reducing spelling bias and preventing plagiarism.
- Ulusal Kongreler National congresses organised in psychology and related fields
- Uluslararası Kongreler International congresses organised in psychology and related fields
- Türk Psikoloji Dergisi Turkish Journal of Psychology, which is a periodical publication of TPD and included in SSCI, mainly includes empirical research articles.
- Türk Psikoloji Yazıları Turkish Psychological Writings (TPY), a periodical of TPD, includes review, theoretical or empirical research articles.